Social Sciences
Social Studies is a core subject taken by all Year 9 and 10 students.
Year 9
This is a full-year course.
There are four topics within the course:
* Our Place where we examine our local area and become more familiar with Aotearoa.
* Our Journey allows us to explore the waves of migration to Aotearoa.
* Our Challenges focuses on the environment around us and the challenges we face including naturual disasters.
* Our Government examine global systems of government with a focus on New Zealand
In addition, students learn about current events and special events such as the General Election, the Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games are learnt about in the years they occur.
Year 10
This is a full-year course.
There are four topics within the course:
* Our Story examines Te Tiriti o Waitangi and how we honour it today.
* Our World looks at how resources are used locally and internationally, while
* Our Conflicts looks at New Zealand's involvement and contribution to conflicts and resolutions around the world.
* Our Future will look at way to live a more sustainable life.
In addition, students learn about current events and special events such as the General Election and the Olympic and Commonwealth Games are learnt about in the years they occur.
Junior Social Studies leads on to the following subjects at Level 1, 2 and 3 in the senior school:
- Geography
- History
- Economics
- Travel and Tourism
- Classical Studies
- Art History
Courses in this Learning Area
Town Planner, Teaching, Demographer, Tourist Operator, Tourism Industry, Archaeologist, Anthropologist, Meteorologist, Policy Analyst, Resource Management, Diplomat, Sociologist, Archivist, Film maker, Lawyer, Historian, Social Work, Geologist, Academic Advisor, Account Coordinators, Administrative Assistant, Assistant Business Manager, Campaign Manager, Case Manager, Disability Services, Claims Adjuster, Commercial Underwriter, Consultant, Correctional Worker, Customer Advocate, Director of Sales, Disabilities Determination Sp,