Use credits from your portfolio to gain more than one qualification

NCEA enables students to use their credits for more than one qualification. As you gain credits they may qualify for a number of different National Certificates. The credits can often be used more than once depending on what qualification you need them for.


 Student’s credits are updated on the School database [Kamar]. Students can also access their Record of Learning from the Kamar Parent Portal of from the NZQA website [http //]. Students will need their Kamar login or their National Student Number to access this information online. 

National (New Zealand) Certificates

You may be able to work on National Certificates as well as NCEA while at school.

This means you get credits towards NCEA and can work towards a National Certificate at the same time.

(These certificates are being renamed as New Zealand Certificates when reviewed.) Examples are

  • National Certificate in Building and Construction and Allied Trades
  • National Certificate in Business Administration and Computing
  • New Zealand Certificate in Computing
  • National Certificate in Employment skills
  • New Zealand Certificate in Hospitality
  • New Zealand Certificate in Tourism








Student’s credits are updated on the School database [Kamar]. Students can also access their Record of Learning from the Kamar Parent Portal of from the NZQA website [http //]. Students will need their Kamar login or their National Student Number to access this information online.