Massey High School Massey High School

Level 2 Food Technology

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: J. Crawford.

Recommended Prior Learning

An interest in Science is beneficial. Successful completion of MPTF1 or a related subject, such as Science is prefered or approval from the HOD of Food Technology.

Do you like working with food? Do you like creating new things? Are you interested in nutrition, health and wellbeing? Then this could be the course for you. 

This course focusses on the Food Manufacturing Industry and the development and manufacture of new +/or reformulated food products.

The technological skills and knowledge required when working with food are further developed in Year 12 Food Technology. Students will advance their knowledge of the manufacturing processes, testing and equipment needed to produce high quality outcomes. They will have the opportunity to experience a wide range of learning practices relating to Food Technology. 

Students will be assessed on their understanding of advanced technological processes and their application of food safety within food manufacturing. Food Technology is an approved University entrance subject.

Note: To take this course as well as TMF2, students must obtain prior approval from the HODs of both subject areas. Refer to the standards that are doubled up in other areas.

Course Overview

Term 1
Unit 1 (10 weeks) - Develop and implement an effective manufacturing process. Students are required to develop and implement a multi-unit manufacturing process to make a suitable product of their choosing. The focus will be on the manufacturing process and the quality controls procedures which control the quality of the end product. Examples of suitable products are baked goods, snack foods or simple cheeses such as haloumi, feta or ricotta.

Term 2
Unit 2 (10 weeks) - Undertake effective development to make and trial a prototype. Students will use their advanced skills and knowledge to develop a new food product through the trialling and testing of materials, processes, tools and equipment to ensure the products fitness for purpose.

Term 3
Unit 3 External (8 weeks) - Students will complete a unit of work built around the external report which will be completed during the Massey High School exams. This report will be sent away for external assessment. Please note this is not a practice exam it is the real thing.

External report due in week 9 Term 3.

Term 4
Resubmission opportunities


Food Technology


Level 3 Food Science and Technology UE Approved

This course opens opportunities to work in the Food Manufacturing Industry. This sector is a huge part of New Zealand's Primary Industries and food technologists are in high demand. Job opportunities available include: Food Technologist, Food Scientist, Sensory Scientist, Product Development, Food Microbiologist, Food Analytical Chemist.

Career Pathways

Production Manager, Mechanical Engineer, Science Technician, Chemist, Food Technologist, Microbiologist, Biochemist

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A laptop
1 x refill or notebook
A 20 leaf clearfile to collate evidence and handouts.