Massey High School Massey High School

Level 3 Physics UE Approved

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: R. Francis.

Recommended Prior Learning

Students must also have completed the Phy2 course with a minimum of Achieved in AS 91171 (mechanics) AND in AS 91173 (electricity) AND a minimum of Achieved in the algebra and graphs achievement standards in NCEA level 2 Mathematics, or at the discretion of the Head of Department.

The PhyUE course prepares students for Physics related vocational pathways such as: Engineering, aviation, medical and health professions, computer technology, telecommunication, education, renewable energy, architecture, manufacturing, seismology, astronomy, meteorology and geophysics.

In this course, we will cover the following:

Internal: P3.5  AS91525  Demonstrate understanding of Modern physics. (3 cr)

Two optional internal standards listed below:

P3.2  AS91522  Application of Physics to a selected context: (3cr) Geostationary and low Earth orbit satellites.

P3.7  AS91527  Response to a socio-scientific issue. Research and report on nuclear fusion and renewable energy. (3cr)


Mechanical systems (6cr): translational motion; circular motion and gravity; rotating and oscillatory systems.

Electrical systems (6cr): resistors, capacitors and inductors in direct current (DC) and Alternating current (AC) circuits.

Wave systems (4cr): Doppler effect; standing waves; resonance.

