Massey High School Massey High School

Level 2 Physics

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: R. Francis.

Recommended Prior Learning

Students must have completed a Level 1 Science course such as 92047 (energy in a physical system) with a minimum of an achieved grade. Alternatively, students must have completed 92045 (demonstrate understanding of a physical phenomenon through investigation with a minimum of an achieved grade. Students must also have a minimum of an achieved grade in the algebra  achievement standard in the NCEA Level 1 Mathematics course or at the discretion of the Head of the Physics Department.

This course enables students to develop foundation knowledge in mechanics, electricity and electromagnetism, atomic and nuclear physics.


 Atomic and nuclear physics: (3cr) Models of the atom, nuclear transformations.

 Physics relevant to a selected context: (3cr) Seatbelts and airbags in car crashes.


 Mechanics (6cr): Study of motion, forces, momentum and energy.

 Electricity (6cr): static electricity; DC electricity; electromagnetism.




Level 3 Physics UE Approved

Future vocational pathways include: Engineering, aviation, medical and health professions, computer technology, telecommunication, education, renewable energy, architecture, manufacturing, seismology, astronomy, meteorology and geophysics.

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Scientific calculator