Massey High School Massey High School

Level 3 Food Science and Technology UE Approved

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: J. Crawford.

Recommended Prior Learning

Successful completion of TFO2 or equivalent, such as level 2 Science, or approval from the HOD of Food Technology.

Following on from Level 2 Food Technology, FSTUE aims to advance the knowledge of manufacturing processes, testing and ingredients to a complex level of understanding. The aim of this would be to prepare students for tertiary study in Food Technology, Food Science or Food Manufacturing. The course will encompass a wide range of learning experiences including industrial, financial scientific and technological. Students will be assessed on their understanding of complex technological processes and their application of food safety within food product development and manufacturing. Food Technology is an approved University entrance course. There may be the opportunity for students to gain some work experience within the food industry as part of this course. This is still being investigated. Note: To take this course as well as TMF3, students must obtain prior approval from the HODs of both subject areas. Refer to the standards that are doubled up in other areas.

Course Overview

Term 1
Unit 1 (10 weeks) - Implement complex procedures to process a specified product. This involves choosing a specified product to make and developing a process to make the product. This will include a quality plan and a food safety plan. Consideration will have to be given to financial costs and yield.

Term 2
Unit 2 (10 weeks) - Development of a prototype. This involves the development of a product which meets the requirements of a given brief and specifications. This will require students to have a stakeholder and the product and specifications will be developed in line with the wants/needs of the stakeholder.

Term 3
Modelling external - Students will complete a unit of work built around the external report which will be completed during the Massey High School exams. This report will be sent away for external assessment. Please note this is not a practice exam it is the real thing.

External report due in week 9 Term 3.

Term 4
Catching up on any outstanding internals


Food Technology

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Laptop OR
A notebook or visual diary
Or a 20 leaf clearfile for collating evidence and handouts.