Massey High School Massey High School

Level 3 Art Painting UE Approved

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: C. van der Walt.

Recommended Prior Learning

A minimum of 12 credits in Level 2 Art. A student without prior art credits must submit a drawing test set by the HOD Art. A student wishing to do more than one Level 3 Art subject must have the approval of the HOD Art.

L3 External Folio exemplar

The course builds on the drawing and painting strengths developed at Level 2. It involves Research of the working methods of existing artists. The students produce a Visual Diary of drawing studies to submit for an internal standard and paintings for their final external Folio submission.
Formative, feedback assessment of the internal standards and the external standard are at regular points during the course.
Final summative assessment of the internal standards is made late in the course.



					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Art equipment required; an A3 visual diary, an A3 art case, drawing and painting materials.