Massey High School Massey High School

Year 10 Drama

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: R. Polderman.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open entry, although students must be confident enough to perform in front of peers, be open minded and have enthusiasm for the subject. 

The Year 10 Drama course gives students the opportunity to explore a range of texts, genre/styles and ideas pertaining to drama and the theatre. Students will learn practical performance skills, including working with scripts, devising drama, improvisation, movement and voice. Drama develops personal skills such as confidence, teamwork, collaboration and self-management. The Year 10 course is an introduction to the Dramatic elements, conventions and techniques studied at NCEA Level 1. 

Practical work - rehearsal and performance, both individual and group. Supportive written work.

Course Overview

Term 1
Students will begin Year 10 Drama with a short course in Stage 101, where they learn about the basics of performing on a stage and in a theater and what jobs are linked to Drama. This will then transition into our first unit of work on Physical Theatre. Students will deep dive into the theories of Jaques Le Coq, explore mimeing, clowning and commedia del'arte.

Term 2
Students will continue with the Physical Theatre Unit. Students will perform a peice of devised theatre based off what they have learnt from the Physical Theatre Unit. Students will then focus on Theatre Studies and learn how to unpack and critique theatre. At the end of the term, students will do a mini assessment of one of the new Ncea Level 1 Standards, to prepare them for the following year.

Term 3
Students will perform their devised piece based off a Pūrākau for Assessment. Students will then complete the attached paperwork/portfolio. The second half of the term will be a taster unit on Musical Theatre. Students will prepare and perform a class number. This will be performed during class time.

Term 4
Term 4 will be about students passion projects. Students will choose a topic they are passionate about in Drama and craft a performance piece. This will be presented to the class.


Drama, Year 10


Level 1 Drama

The course teaches valuable inter and intra personal skills that are transferable to most carreer pathways. Skills including: group work skills, creative thinking, problem solving skills, skills in presentation and resilience.

Career Pathways

Actor, Advertising Specialist, Copywriter, Sales and Marketing Manager, Personal Trainer/Exercise Professional, Archivist, Art Director (Film, Television or Stage), Artistic Director, Film and Video Editor, Sound Technician, Entertainer, Film/Television Camera Operator, Counsellor, Trainer, Journalist, Communications Professional, Interpreter, Radio Presenter, Early Childhood Teacher, Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Lighting Technician, Primary School Teacher, Kaiwhakaako Māori, Translator, Nanny/Child Carer, Tertiary Lecturer, Private Teacher/Tutor, Recreation Co-ordinator, Youth Worker, Secondary School Teacher, Teacher Aide

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Laptop or Chromebook.