Massey High School Massey High School

Year 10 Commerce

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: J. Jia.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open entry

Year 10 Business Studies is a four term course and incorporates Financial Literacy, Economics, Accounting and Business Studies learning material.  

The Business Studies course is an opportunity for students to learn about how an economy operates and the roles of key sectors in the economy including households, firms, government, overseas and banks. Students will develop an appreciation of how the different sectors in the economy interact and what inter dependencies exist between the sectors of the economy. 

Students will learn some of the fundamentals of accounting including definitions, how to construct an income statement and accounting interpretation and analysis. The ability to complete a budgeting activity provides students with essential life skills to help them manage their money more effectively in their future lives.

As part of the Business Studies component of the course, students will develop an appreciation of different sectors in the economy, complete a market research assignment on fast food and develop a poster illustrating stages in a production process. 

The course also provides students with an invaluable insight into the world of 'money management'. Students will gain a solid understanding of the financial issues and challenges facing everyone at different stages of their lives. Topics covered include savings, pensions, budgeting, debt, homeownership versus renting and investments. 

Course Overview

Term 1
Students will demonstrate an understanding of some of the fundamentals of Economics. Students will develop a knowledge of the key sectors in the economy along with the roles they perform within the economy. Students will appreciate the real and money flows typically attached to each sector and will use appropriate economic models to assist their learning (Circular Flow Model).

Students will develop an understanding of how to effectively budget for something they might want in the future. This life skill will help students manage their money and income in their future lives more effectively. In addition to personal financial management, students will appreciate some key accounting terms and the role accounting plays within a business. Students will be taught how to construct an Income Statement for a small businesses and how financial information can be used to inform business decision making. Students will develop an awareness of source documents and how these source documents are integral to a basic accounting process (input and outputs).

Term 2
As part of Business Studies Students will develop the skills and knowledge necessary to carry out and review a market research activity based on a fast food product of their choice. This individual assignment will help develop skills around working to deadlines and how to effectively complete market research. Graphing skills and being able to undertake basic statistical analysis and interpretation in a key skill that will be developed in this unit of work. Students will research successful entrepreneurs and develop a good understanding of the skills and competencies which typically enable business people to be successful. Students will also develop an appreciation of the role innovation plays in making in businesses successful through undertaking a case study assignment.

Term 3
Students will learn some of the fundamentals of accounting including definitions, how to construct an income statement and accounting interpretation and analysis. The ability to complete a budgeting activity provides students with essential life skills to help them manage their money more effectively in their future lives.

Term 4
The term 4 provides students with an invaluable insight into the world of 'money management'. Students will gain a solid understanding of the financial issues and challenges facing everyone at different stages of their lives. Topics covered include savings, pensions, budgeting, debt, homeownership versus renting and investments.


Commerce, Year 10


Level 1 Commerce

					Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Students are to provide their own stationary.