Level 2 Early Childhood Academy ACEC2 Single Line course.
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: S. Noble.
Students will attend ECE centres to gain greater knowledge of work place practices and to complete some units of work.
The course has a large practical component and also theory-based unit standard assessments.
Must have access to an infant, toddler or young child to do observations and work with on a regular weekly basis. Can be a sibling or family relative.
Topics include:
- Study child’s growth and development
- The value of play experiences
- Basic needs and nutrition
- Care practices for infants, toddlers and young children
- Health issues and services
- Personal and environmental hygiene and safety practices
- Attachment relationships and strategies
- Construct a young child’s garment
- Personal involvement in a social action related to rights and responsibilities
- Workplace involvement and knowledge
Students in this academy will enjoy working alongside young children gaining a knowledge of their basic needs of and other aspects including health and hygiene practices and how they are applied to young children. This course is both theoretical and practical.
All academy students need to complete an AWVA Academy Application form. This can be picked up from the Academy Offices.
All academy students will need to fill out an AWVA one page application form. See the Academy Offices for a form,
or email Sarah on [email protected]. When emailing please state which academy course you wish to apply for.
Note in 2025, students in Yr 12 can participate in both the Yr 12 Tourism Plus and ECE academies. This is an exception to the rule of students only selecting one academy. However, when students are in Yr 13 they will only be allowed to be in one of the academies. Students can also select the Hospitality one hour option AND the Early Childhood academy for Yr 12.
Recommended Prior Learning
Fabric, Foods and Health subjects useful. Recommend taking alongside Sciences, Health, Math, English for the Social and Community Services Vocational Pathway Endorsement at Level 2. |
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Own stationary (pens, pencils, eraser, glue stick, ruler, printing credit, 2 x 1B5s ) Unit workbooks and assessment booklets provided by the academy.
All Academies are fees free. Academy students at MHS are offered some driving lessons, free of charge by our qualified driving instructor.
There will be some time spent at day care centres. This is usually one day a week and runs from Term 2 to Term 3, exact dates confirmed in 2025.
Students need good attendance at MHS to qualify for going to the centres.
Academy students at MHS are offered some driving lessons, free of charge by our qualified driving instructor.
Assessment Information
Both Written and Practical assessments. Sign offs at ECE work placements for some units is necessary.Note in 2025, students in Yr 12 can participate in both the Yr 12 Tourism Plus and ECE academies. This is an exception to the rule of students only selecting one academy. However, when students are in Yr 13 they will only be allowed to be in one of the academies.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Total Credits Available: 34 credits.
Internally Assessed Credits: 34 credits.
Pathway Tags
Social and Community Services Vocational Pathway Endorsement at Level 2. New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care Level 2 Teaching (ECE, Primary, Secondary), Nursing, Social work, Carer, Nanny, Phycologist, Police, Community based careers. Year 11 students who enroll in this course will gain Level two credits, which count towards their Level 1 and 2 NCEA certiciates. They will also have the option of completing the Level 3 when they are in Year 12. All academy students will need to fill out an AWVA one page application form. See Mr Hackett or Ms Douglas in the Academy Office, in the car park area behind E Block, for a form.,