Year 10 Art

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: E. Batten.

Y10 Art exemlars

Year 10 Art further develops the Visual Art skill areas of drawing, painting, printmaking, 3-D construction and design. Students learn to advance their skills to Level 4 and 5 of the NZ Curriculum. They will develop their own work in response to studying the work of other artists and approaches. The course also serves as a foundation for Art Level 1 NCEA, in the following year. (Students may be given the opportunity to submit work for Achievement Standard AS 90917 at the discretion of the teacher).

Practical work will be assessed throughout the course using the achievement standards assessment language.

Recommended Prior Learning

Completion of the Year 9 Art course or a drawing test set by the HOD Art to determine suitability for entry

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

An A3 drawing wallet, pencil, and eraser purchased at any stationary outlet.
