Year 10 Advanced Art
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: E. Batten, C. van der Walt.
Y10 Advanced art exemplars
This course develops the Visual Art skill areas of drawing, painting, printmaking, 3-D construction and design at a higher Levels 5-6 of the NZ Curriculum. Students are identified as having higher ability from their progress in the Y9 course. They learn to use the artist model through research and preparation studies as a basis for finished art works. The course serves as a foundation for Art Level 1 NCEA, in the following year. Students will be given the opportunity to submit a set task for Achievement Standard AS 90917, worth 4 credits in L1 Visual Arts.
Practical work will be assessed throughout the course using the achievement standards assessment language.
Recommended Prior Learning
Completion of the Year 9 Art course to a high level and by recommendation from the student's Y9 Art teacher (or a drawing test set by the HOD Art to determine suitability for entry.)
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
An A3 drawing wallet, pencil and eraser purchased at any stationary outlet.